Jobee Farmer found these tracks on his driveway in late November 2012in the Mark West creek area. The black bears are back in northern Sonoma county. Four bears were photographed and tracked last summer at Pepperwood, also on the Mark West drainage. I've had other reports, mostly from north of the Russian river. But a bear also came through Joy Ridge, west of Occidental, last summer where I live . We also tracked one down in Pt. Reyes a couple of years ago.
NEW: a bear paid my cabin on Joy Ridge a visit recently, but I'm told it was shot by the sheriff
NEW: a bear paid my cabin on Joy Ridge a visit recently, but I'm told it was shot by the sheriff

Pierce pt., Pt. Reyes: On my birthday in September, Ginger and I watched a huge bull elk thrash this yellow lupine when he apparently got frustrated after unsuccessfully chasing one of the does around his herd It gave new meaning to the threats my dad used to make when he said he would thrash me if I stepped out of line. This animal started with up and down head movements but soon was fling leaves and branches fifteen feet over his shoulders. Now I understand what happened to those smashed up lupines I see around.